Friday, December 11, 2009

Vitamin C - cheap, and amazing medicine.

 To kick things off, I present vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, fitting considering we are in the so-called "flu-season".

 Widely considered a immune-system booster, and a supplement useful against colds and flu, what is not so widely known is that vitamin C can do so much more,  namely be a potencial cure for cancer!

 The first proponent to this theory, back in the 1970s, certainly has some impressive credentials. I´m talking about a double Nobel prize winner, Linus Pauling, considered one of the most important figures of chemistry in the XX century. Maybe its just me, but when someone of this caliber speaks up with a passion, im inclined to listen!

 And his studies basically showed that vitamin C is essential for the correct functioning of the human body (as well as that of large primates), who for some reason stopped being able to sinthetize it sometime in the past. Pauling also defended that large doses are essential, up to 10000 mgs per day (10 grams), declaring that the DDR (daily reccomended dose, which is a paltry 60 mg) was very inadequate to support correct body funtions.

From :

[quote]Vitamin C megadosage is the consumption of vitamin C (ascorbate) in doses well beyond the current Dietary Reference Intake. This dose is similar to the consumption of ascorbate in other primates which, unlike humans, can synthesize their own vitamin C.[1] Nearly all animals synthesize vitamin C internally and as such, their cellular vitamin C concentrations are considerably much higher than those achieved with the Reference Daily Intake set for humans.[2] Vitamin C is a recognized antioxidant, which has led to its endorsement by some researchers as a complementary therapy for improving quality of life[/quote]

 So in short: Vitaming C is essential to the human body, an amazing preventive supplement because of its anti-oxidant properties, is relatively cheap, and its only side effects are mild digestive intolerance at high doses, as well as diarrhea (which is a good sign you are taking too much for you).

 My oppinion is, everyone should be taking at least 3000mg of Vitamin C each day.

For more information, this is a very good place to start:

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Presenting- the Radiant Health blog!

 Greetings, and welcome to my blog! I am a Chinese Medicine practitioner, and apart from my work, one of my hobbies is to learn/research about everything health related, especially the so-called "alternative" aspect, of the small things we can do to improve our well-being.

 For more than 10 years now I have tried to find out how I could improve my health, from head to toe. I have picked up a ton of information I find useful, that I have applied to my life.

So I thought, why not write about it? Maybe others will find this information useful.

And here is (will be!) the result!